30 May 2010

SLITHER family's sunday stroll - for Illustration Friday

hi, guys. in Flickr I posted a bigger version of it.
also, you can revise all the other contributions to the topic of the week directly on the Illustration Friday viewer.

28 May 2010

electromechanical hope revisited

◆ after many years, in 2008 I started to develop again some 'abstract' - or geometrical, if you want - ideas. first looking for a combination of nature and patterns, then trying to break up landscapes and urban scenes into it's most simple 2D geometrical essence.
this was one of the first works of that time. you can see a bigger image of it at Flickr.

◆ después de años, en el 2008 comencé a redesarrollar algunas ideas 'abstractas' - o geométricas, si prefieren. primero, buscando combinar naturaleza y diseños, después, tratando de desestructurar paisajes o escenas urbanas a su más simple esencia geométrica bidimensional.
éste fue uno de los primeros resultados. puedes ver una imágen más grande en Flickr.

14 May 2010

EQUIPMENT for Illustration Friday

a native guy with all the necessary equipment for fishing, hunting, war, rain dancing... what you want.
a nice IF posting day, everybody!

(a bigger image)

13 May 2010


♦ a gray, cold thursday - the perfect day to stay at bed, reading a good book (only if we could do that).

♦ un jueves gris y frío - el día perfecto para quedarse en cama leyendo un buen libro (sólo si pudiéramos hacerlo).

(a bigger image)

12 May 2010

the first couple

♦ I've posted a good amount of couple's drawings in Flickr. this was the first one, posted in July 5, 2006. the window opens to a view of Yaffo, the historical port, south of Tel Aviv.

♦ en Flickr he publicado una buena cantidad de dibujos de parejas. este fue el primero, un 5 de julio de 2006. la ventana mira hacia Yaffo, el histórico puerto al sur de Tel Aviv.

11 May 2010

"in the bathtub" - the most interesting

♦ this is the one Flickrs classifies as the "most interesting" among all my drawings until now. it seems to me that "interest" is a trait calculated according number of visitors, favoritism and comments.
something to learn from all of this: to draw more girls taking a bath.

♦ de todos mis dibujos hasta ahora, éste es el que Flickr califica de "más interesante", lo que es una combinación de número de visitas, favoritismo y comentarios.
lección: hay que dibujar más mujeres bañándose.

(for a bigger image)

9 May 2010

some photos from Mom's Day

hanging out with the family during Mom's Day - some photos I took today:

Port Dalhouise, Niagara region

Queenston Heights Park - place of the famous battle against american troops, 13 of october 1812.

Niagara river, view from Queenston Heights Park - the river is our border with USA in the region

more photos, here.

7 May 2010

FEARLESS for Illustration Friday

have a nice IF posting day, everybody! a bigger image, if you want.
an this is the original draft:

3 May 2010

'kissing' is the favorite until now

♦ according Flickr statistics, this is the favorite drawing of the visitors to my gallery there. until now, it has been marked as 'favorite' by 13 persons, it has been visited by 81 times and it has received 6 comments.

♦ según las estadísticas de Flickr, éste es el dibujo favorito de los visitantes a mi galería. hasta hoy, ha sido marcado como 'favoorito' por 13 personas, ha sido visitado 81 veces y ha recibido 6 comentarios.