hi there! thursday already. I've continued with problems in my left leg. doctors cannot decide if it's a muscle tear, some sciatic issue or a ligaments tear. have to go today to an ultrasound. I hope we all will be wiser after the results.
the pain comes and goes, but the real problem is I cannot be sat, nor in bed, nor standing, which is a real situation for us humans... hanging from a branch and resting would be great. halo sloths!
enough about health issues. to something more fun: children, nature, animals. nothing better!
children and nature, a photo by frank h. on Flickr.
lo siento, maestro, espero que te repongas. Por otro lado me gusta mucho ese traxo como de pluma caligráfica. Un abrazo!
gracias, Miguel! estoy dándole descanso a la pata izquierda. ojalá que responda.
gracias por la visita!
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