13 November 2009

UNBALANCED for Illustration Friday

have a nice IF posting day, pals!

(a bigger image)


Unknown said...

hahahaha....cool piece!!

Connie said...

So unbalanced but happy; cool idea.

eyecontact said...

Kind of sad. Cute illo tho!

Pencil Pocket said...

oh dear. he should have saved a bit more money first!

Rico said...

Great idea -- very funny.

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth Parsons said...


Brine Blank said...

It is funny to see dudes at the gym with gigantic upper bodies and toothpick legs...I just keep waiting for them to tip over or for their upper body to sink down and consume their lower appendages like they are in quick sand...

franhilz said...

thanXs a LOT for your comments, to all of you!